
Under the name OSIRIS DREAMS Swede Anders Norrback Bornholm is creating cinematic synthwave inspired by the music heard in is childhood in the late 70s and early 80s. Growing up in that period in Sweden meant swearing a virtual blood oath to belong to one of two irreconcilable tribes: metalheads or synth fans. Anders, of course, was a... metalhead. But as years went by and childhood became adolescence in the late 80s and early 90s, electronic music started seeping into his life.
"I was never into mainstream or pop music, but I also wasn't entrenched into the extremes of one genre. In junior high I would listen to the same tapes on my walkman over and over, alternating between Iron Maiden, Jean-Michel Jarre, Metallica and Depeche Mode"
When creating electronic music, his focus has always been the empowering and cinematic. Drawing inspiration from artists such as Vangelis and John Carpenter, the goal is to make music that lets the listener feel like the star of an epic movie. Long intros, increasing build-ups and mesmerizing ostinatos are some of the core components in the compositions.
"I remember walking to the subway in the dark after a late night at work, with the soundtrack from Tron Legacy playing on my headphones. That was the most epic commute I've ever had. This is what I want to achieve."
The cinematic experience is closely tied to strong visuals. Increasingly the OSIRIS DREAMS songs come with more elaborate music videos, capturing the retrofuturistic nature of the music. A good example is the The Cybergenix Conspiracy EP, a soundtrack to a fictional 80s action/sci fi blockbuster where the music videos for each of the four songs tell the story of the movie.
"The songs are all made to stand on their own, but I think the right music video can definitely take the experience of them a level further."
Anders lives in an 18th century house right outside of Stockholm with his wife, three kids and three dogs. A stark contrast to the technology-centered dystopian themes of his songs.